Studio decluttering and organization project – 2022.01.16

I have cleared the clutter off all my working surfaces – Sewing Machine Area, Cutting Table and Ironing Area. See my post of 2022.01.08 for all the Before photos and the After photos of my Sewing Machine Area.

Here are the photos of the decluttering of my Cutting Table. This took about 20 minutes to clear off and put everything where it belongs. (In the background you can see my scrap organization system which I described in a blog post of 2017.02.23.)

Here is a close up of the little stick-on pen holders I added last year. I was constantly losing track of my scissors, pens, pencils, etc. under the fabric and patterns on the table. These worked really well to solve that problem.

The declutter of my Ironing Area took about 30 minutes. I still need to remove some of the stuff at the back of the counter, but will leave that for a later date.

This photo is another problem area I found – under the cutting table. I’ve been hoarding containers rather than using them! I will also leave that for a later date.

I’ve decided to make decluttering a monthly project. In past years, when I’ve signed up for a 21-day or 30-day declutter challenge, I have not had time to get to the hidden clutter – under the table, in the cupboards, etc. This year, I’m going post at least once a month about my decluttering activities. I hope that by the end of the year, I will have accomplished a lot.

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I’ll be linking up with these blogs – click on the links below, where you’ll find many other creative and inspirational projects.

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3 Responses to Studio decluttering and organization project – 2022.01.16

  1. kaywelch says:

    Love the monthly plan for decluttering. Today while looking for some beading supplies, I discovered how much beading supplies, materials, etc. I still had, even though I haven’t beaded in years. I also discovered a container filled with smaller empty containers – duh! I made a decision to schedule declutter days for my entire studio, which can’t be accomplished in 30 minutes spurts. I think if i dedicate a day (a month sounds good to me) to a certain category I will make better progress. We can be moral support for each other as we go along. Thanks

  2. Glad to read your tips and see the photos. Everyone needs to declutter now and then and your plan is a good one. I’m happy if I can clean up after each completed project.

  3. Stick-on holders — what a neat idea. Where’d you find them?

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