Triangle baby quilt finished – 2021.06.20

I started creating this baby quilt in April. I finished piecing it in early May and pinned it to my design wall. But then I set it aside to work on other projects.

This weekend, I finished it. I layered it with batting and soft gray fleece backing. I cut the batting to 1.5 inches wider than the top on each side, and I cut the fleece backing even larger, so there was about 4 inches extra on each side.

I quilted around the edge of the top, then quilted 30 degree straight lines parallel to the triangle sides, and about 5 to 6 inches apart.

Then I trimmed the fleece so it was 2″ wider than the batting on all sides, and folded it over to the front as binding.  I used the mitering technique described in faux blanket binding by red flannel pantry.  I straight-stitched about 1/4″ in from the raw edge of the binding, then zigzag stitched over the raw edges.

Here it is fresh out of the washer and dryer, all soft and cuddly.. The finished size is 40 x 44 inches.

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