Workshops and Presentations


I would be happy to teach any of the techniques you see on my website.  I provide detailed class handouts, and for some workshops I provide (hand-drawn) patterns.  All the workshops can be done in 1-day, but all of them would benefit from an additional day, which would allow participants to further develop the techniques taught and/or work on a bigger project.

Following is information on workshops I have ready to go.  If you are interested in booking me for a workshop with your guild, please contact me at


DSCN4680  DSCN4681  Circle examples 3

Do you love the look of circles in quilts? But are you intimidated by sewing curves?  Me too!   I use a variety of techniques to create my circle quilts that are simple, easy and effective.

The workshop will cover:

  • an easy method to draw a circle any size
  • making and using freezer-paper templates
  • creating accurate circles using a freezer paper pattern and sewing flat overlapped seams
  • circles with raw edges, covered with bias tape (or couching or decorative stitching)
  • circles with folded turned-under edges, which are top-stitched in place

Circles Circles Circles – workshop description and supply list (July 2023)

More information here and here.


TerryAske_MapleLeafClassSample  Workshop-FPP Maple Leaves

Learn how to create realistic pictorial quilts using a freezer paper pattern and straight line sewing.  Two full size patterns (each 11 x 11 inches) of the Maple Leaf will be provided to each participant.  Freezer paper will also be provided.

You will learn how to trace the pattern to freezer paper, and prepare the freezer paper templates.  You should be able to sew together one maple leaf block by the end of the workshop, and you’ll receive notes and checklists to assist you in completing your art quilt.

Maple Leaves – workshop description and supply list.

More information here and here.


Class samples-001  Complex maple leaves

Similar to the Maple Leaves workshop above, but the Japanese Maple Leaf is a more complex pattern (more pieces, smaller pieces), and generally participants do not fully complete a block during a 1-day workshop.

Japanese Maple Leaves – workshop description and supply list.


Terry Aske - dog quilt portrait  Terry Aske - Border Collie quilt portrait  Border-Collie

Create a quilted pet portrait from your own photo, or using my Border Collie pattern.  Participants will be able to get a good start on their pet portrait during a 1-day workshop.

Pet Portrait from a Photo – workshop description and supply list.

More information here.


original photo  pencil sketch effect Aske_Terry_An_Air_of_Elegance

Learn how to create a realistic pictorial quilt from your own photo of a building or other architectural structure.  Participants will use a own full-size pattern from their own photo.

The workshop will cover various techniques – freezer-paper templates, piecing, folded-edge appliqué and fused appliqué.   We will discuss the importance of value in selecting fabrics.  Participants should be able to leave the workshop with a planned and partially completed project.

Architectural Quilts from Photos – workshop description and supply list.

More information here and here.

TRUNK SHOW / LECTURE  Victoria Quilt Guild Terry Aske trunk show Victoria Quilt Guild Terry Aske trunk show 2  IMG_0429

Trunk show (approximately 40-60 minutes) – typically, I bring 30-40 quilts.  That includes most of what’s on my website (a few quilts may not be available because they are away at quilt shows), plus a few that aren’t for sale.  I generally show them in categories – first quilts, pieced art quilts, applique art quilts, portrait quilts, modern quilts – and talk about my evolution as an art quilter, my experiences entering quilt shows, submitting to magazines and selling my quilts online through Etsy.

POWERPOINT PRESENTATION – “My Evolution as an Art Quilter – from raw beginner to award winner”

In this presentation, I talk about how I started quilting, how my work has evolved over the years, what inspires me, my favorite techniques, my studio, etc.  I show examples of my quilts over the years.  It takes me about 45 minutes to go through the presentation.  I could present this in person or over Zoom.  If in person, I would bring some of my quilts to show.

2 Responses to Workshops and Presentations

  1. Pingback: #ModernSummerQuilt | Silver Thimble Quilting

  2. Jennifer Caunt says:

    Just took your Circles Circles Circles class and had so much fun. Its such a great technique. I look forward to working with it!

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